Tuesday, May 5, 2009


In a recent discussion over the future of the Republican party, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor defined his party's beliefs thusly:
"the essence of being a Republican is a belief in free markets, a belief in individual responsibility, faith in the individual, faith in God."
Well, for starters, I'm an atheist (just in case you haven't figured that out yet). You just told me not to vote for you.

But Cantor didn't just single out me and my (growing) ilk. Cantor declared, "faith in God." Not any general religiousness, not some deep-seated profound American spirituality. He didn't say "gods" or even "god or gods," there's no reference to spirituality or upstanding moral virtue. Make no mistake, "faith in God" means, "Christianity."

I'm not quite sure how this is supposed to mesh with Cantor's other statement: "We should be an inclusive party."

One would expect a national party to be interested in governing the entire country, but the GOP...eh, not so much. Depending on the survey (I find The Pew Forum very usable), broadly defined Christianity makes up around 70-80% of Americans. What about the rest of us?

Take the attitude that you can ignore and marginalize 20-30% of your countrymen and Democracy will come back to bite you. Take a read over the constitution, look back over history: Democracy is designed to protect the minority from the majority.

Also: you lost.

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